Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

U.S. Visit and My Rooftop Garden

We took tons of great photos when we spent time in Colorado.  These are just a few of the favorites. 

Enjoying a horse ride with Chad & Kendra

David, Chad, Ruben Kendra & Elizabeth - it was a fun day!

Kids and the Dog

Is she Cute or what!?

At the Ranch

Did we tell you it's a Dog Ranch?
Honorary Grandparents

                                                               Up on a Mountain in Colorado

                                           With my Beautiful Sister, Her Family and Our Mom

                                          Our Gracious Hostess, Best Encourager, Faithful Supporter and Just Good Friend.  You can tell we like her alot!

                                    We had Some Great Walks and Rides in the Woods

                                             Lake Dillon Colorado

                                          Riding the 4 Wheelers - the Highlight for our Kids!

                                         They just Call him Cowboy Dave

                                      Our Princess

We told some of our U.S. friends and family about our rooftop garden that we have here in Mexico.  The house we rent does not have one square foot of yard, it's all just house, so we kind of made a "yard" on our roof.  We enjoy it so much that we thought we should post some pics for you all to see.

  This is not actually on our roof, but in the patio.  However it looks so pretty right now, I had to post a picture.

This was the First Pineapple we ate. They take a long time, almost two years.  For a gardener from the North this was a very happy moment!

This one should be ready in a few weeks.

Flowers Everywhere.

                                      Strawberry Patch

Row of Pineapple

                                          More Flowers                             

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About Me

I met Jesus in March 1997 and soon after I began the practice of writing things down that were happening in my life with the Lord. Over the years, in the rare times that I have looked back into older journals, I have found that the things the Lord was showing me then are the same things He is showing me now. This does not make them less helpful, on the contrary, it makes them more helpful. God is exactly who He says He is and is doing all that He said He would. We need to be reminded of God and His faithfulness. The intention of this blog is to encourage God's people to continue and to grow in their confidence in Jesus Christ. The things posted here are from my journal and are meant to be an example of God's love and help as He loves and helps me. I would expect that you would have reason to trust Jesus Christ with your life (and death) if you haven't heard about Him so I invite you to go to my page "About Jesus" to see why you can and should have every confidence in Jesus and Jesus only for all things.